#dmcult Final Ruminations
Inspectors Gadget? gadget, n. Used as an indefinite or general name for: a comparatively small fitting, contrivance, or piece of mechanism. Final inspector gadget question: In Digital Media Culture, can you *share* yourself without “showing” yourself?
Beginning of term: “I want to say something: You have to be somebody before you can share yourself.” (Jaron Lanier, a real person) End of term: “Our society transformed our lives in a spectacle… we live in a global screen where everyone wants to be visible at any price. So, if you don’t show yourself, you don’t exist… What do you think? Without photos in social media, we don’t exist? … Stop looking at life through a camera. Enjoy it through your eyes and other senses.” (Merlí, (fictional character filtering real person Guy Debord)). Some Keywords, Ideas, Hashtags Considered: #dmcult, “hyper-ludic me-dia” (Merrin), Ideology, New Media, Interpellation (Althusser), Identity, “friends,” Intersectionality, Public, “Sharing” (John), Gender (Marwick), Queer, Feminism, Celebrity, Affect and Intimacy, Four affordances (Murray), Five Principles (Manovich), #GGG, Fake News and #alt truth, “stupid bug” (Seife), Race (hooks), Social Change, #blacklivesmatter, #metoo, surveillance, privacy, phreaks, hackers, trolls (Coleman), search, memory, filter bubbles (Pariser), class, shallows (Carr), citizenship, binary, life, “the human,” cyborg (Haraway), bionic, access, the spectacle (Debord), ethics… “Generation Why?” (Zadie Smith) Which #dmcult ideas reverberate strongest for you? Why? Was there a particular assignment/screening that resonated with you?