Television VIZ
TV Visualization using Tableau Public
Introduced 11/7, Works in Progress 11/16
Tableau Public is a free data visualization software. In this experimental assignment, pick a television show you love and know (it can be one we view in class) and create a visualization for it akin to the example introduced in class.
*This is an exploratory assignment.*
You are to attempt to make a small visualization using Tableau that will give you an idea of what the capabilities of a professional information visualization package are. Although we will review Tableau in class and discuss helpful resources, the focus of this assignment is the creation of visualization and the development of new skills in data formation, not becoming an expert at Tableau.
You will not be responsible for a final polished product but a work in progress discussion on 11/16.
Process and Tips:
When you make your visualizations be sure to add the necessary elements to make them nicely finished presentations (i.e., include title, annotations, sorting, coloring/highlighting, etc. as you see fit to best communicate your message).
For your output, please post your resulting worksheets and dashboards to Tableau Public web space. You’ll need to make a tableau public login. Once you have saved them, you just need to post the URL for your work on the Tableau Public webspace to the class blog.
For example see some of the examples in the Tableau Public gallery, for instance
A couple hints before you begin:
HINT #1: The measure #calls equals volume of calls. Note the Tableau default is to sum measures.
HINT #2: In order to visualize data, you will need at least one measure (a dimension by itself will give you an empty table).
If you get stuck, consult Tableau’s training resources