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Fruitvale Station Reflection

One of the advantages of the "Fruitvale Station" is that, while the film leads the audience to the emotional identity of the victim, it remains rationally in a relatively neutral posture. In other words, although the film shows the male Oscar in the white society of some experience, but it did not deliberately to render any mood or atmosphere. On the contrary, before the tragic events in Fruitvale, blacks and whites came together in a balanced and even friendly way, and Oscar asked the manager to let himself return to his post but the plot was rejected. So that the audience will be attributed to the tragedy of social evil film seems to be keenly aware of this, so it is very smart to do a balance action: the manager is not from the racial discrimination and refused to hire Oscar, but because Oscar himself often late; And if the manager of an exception to Oscar back to the post, it means that there are innocent employees to face the dismissal that is, Oscar's first tragic footprint is not the result of racial injustice, but the evidence of social justice.

Another advantage of the "Fruitvale Station" is that its narratives are structured and there are no "burial" things that newcomers sometimes cut out. From the character of the character of the bedding - good, filial piety, love, to the use of predictive images - such as fireworks imitation of the gunfire; from the deliberate metro to the peak of the incident, and then to the mother Wanda strong Control and control, the director of the whole narrative have shown a strong control, almost no extra lens.




by Eric Solomon

© 2017 Eric Solomon

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